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Introducing: Insight

Justin Cobb stands next to some flowering trees outside of the Renwick Gallery in Washington D.C.
Photo Credit: Hannah Colen, 2023

There are many ways to view catastrophe. On one hand we can allow ourselves to become submerged with the feeling that comes with it. Still others choose to ignore what is happening around them and they refuse to acknowledge what happens inside themselves. Still others choose paths that demand them to confront the scenarios and use it as an opportunity to understand themselves and decide the next steps going forward.

Nobody goes through life unscathed. It takes resilience to continue moving forward in life. Throughout these past few years I began noticing patterns. I realized that abuse, neglect, and injustice were all connected and reflected in society. The same internal struggles that we are encountering in ourselves are connected to the plights we are experiencing in the external.

What is the connection between systemic barriers and issues with our every day lives? What is the relationship between the injustice we see on global scales (e.g., discrimination, war, poverty, etc.) and those that are felt in our communities and homes? What are the correlations between the environmental disasters and the violence inflicted between each other and on ourselves?

By no means am I the first to ask these questions. Nor do I believe I have all the answers. A lot of intellectuals are looking outwards to find solutions to today's challenges. These are noble pursuits that deserve any accolades that are rightfully due. But what about the ones with more nuance? The ones that are reshaping the way we understand ourselves or the world around us? What about the ones who looked inward to find answers?

Our world is rife with division. People everywhere are discouraged by today's state of affairs. Many of us are still trying to make sense of this new world. There is no doubt in my mind that the systemic issues that we are currently facing in our society are also linked psychologically to individuals. When we recognize that today's issues are interconnected...we are in a place to discuss complex challenges with nuance.

Societies are a reflection of the collective experiences that individuals are facing-- with some having more influence depending on the context. The systems we create are made to support those interactions. Yet we see that many of them are either failing or not living up to expectations. The results have major impacts on us in our day-to-day affairs.

This blog aspires to explore the dynamic interplay between systemic issues and the intricacies of interpersonal interactions, and how they shape human experience. By navigating the complexity and the unpredictable nature of human behavior, I am making sense of the world around me. I do this by synthesizing what I am reading and encountering to create content.

This blog will include:

  • Reviews (books, documentaries, etc.)

  • Long-form articles

  • Short stories and other works

  • My opinion pieces

  • Original productions (photographs, videos, etc.)

Each post will be addressing a particular topic and along with my own original analyses...I will share with you the insights that experts are encountering. My goal at the end of the day is not to convince or sway you one way or another. Rather, it is to challenge my readers to think critically about the topics. It is also a chance for me to form my own thoughts and opinions based on the information I found.

These sources will include:

  1. Books

  2. Anthologies and poems

  3. Articles and periodicals

  4. Documentaries and films

  5. Music, songs, and theatrical performances

  6. Experts themselves

  7. Social media

  8. My personal experience

I invite you to join me on this journey of Insight. Together, we can learn about how connected we truly are to one another. We can also find out more about ourselves in the midst of all the confusion that surrounds us. Perhaps, we can even learn how we too can be the difference we want to see in the world.


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